
Generic coordinates for 3D points and vectors.


Coordinates are a group of metatypes representing a point or a vector using a specific coordinates system and reference frame. These metatypes transform to each another in order to consistently represent the same point or vector of the 3D simulation space. Function arguments reported as Coordinates can be of any metatype of the group.

The PUMAS library uses Cartesian coordinates for the simulation with a unique frame, referred to as the simulation frame. These coordinates are stored using a double [3] C array, see e.g. the position and direction attributes of a simulation State. The double [3] array is a basic representation of a point or vector using Cartesian coordinates. Higher level representations are provided as CartesianPoint or CartesianVector. These representations make explicit the point or vector type of the represented object. In addition to the x, y and z attributes, these object also have a frame attribute specifying the reference frame used by the coordinates. The absence of reference frame (nil) indicates that the coordinates are expressed in the simulation frame. Reference frames as specified as UnitaryTransformation objects w.r.t. the simulation frame.

Earth coordinates

The GeodeticPoint metatype allows to represent an Earth location using its latitude, longitude and altitude w.r.t. the WGS84 ellipsoid. Note that this object does not have a frame attribute since it uses a fixed frame (see below). Local Earth frames can be created with the LocalFrame frame constructor by specifying an origin on Earth. Then, the HorizontalVector mettaype can be used to represent a direction in the local frame using horizontal coordinates, i.e. by specifying an azimuth and an elevation angle.


When using a GeodeticPoint or a LocalFrame the simulation frame is assumed to be Earh-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF). Using a different simulation frame together with the latter objects will lead to erroneous results.


Coordinates instances can be cast into each another using their respective constructors or converted in-place with the Coordinates.set method. There is one exception, though. Coordinates metatypes can not be cast to a double [3] array since this type does not have a specific constructor. Instead one must use the Coordinates.get method in order to convert a point or vector to its basic representation.

Changing the coordinates to a new reference frame is done with the Coordinates.transform method. The change occurs in-place, i.e. the coordinates and frame of the initial object are updated. If a copy is desired instead it must be done explicitly beforehand, e.g. with the Coordinates.clone method.


Changing the frame attribute of a Coordinates object does not change the coordinates values but only the reference frame. One must explictly use the Coordinates.transform method if the intent is to change the coordinates to another frame, i.e. refer to the same point or vector but using another reference frame.


-- Get the simulation position in geodetic coordinates
local position = pumas.GeodeticPoint(state.position)

-- Get the angular coordinates of the simulation direction
local frame = pumas.LocalFrame(position)
local direction = pumas.HorizontalVector{frame = frame}:set(state.direction)

-- Cast the direction to spherical coordinates in the simulation (ECEF) frame
direction = pumas.SphericalVector(direction):transform(nil)


The Coordinates.set and Coordinates.transform methods return a reference to self even though they operate in-place. This allows to chain them conveniently.

See also

CartesianPoint, CartesianVector, GeodeticPoint, HorizontalVector, SphericalPoint, SphericalVector.