
Generic geometry for simulations.


The geometry of a simulation is specified using volumes filled with media. A Geometry metatype is specialised in representing volumes with a specific shape or a familly of shapes. For example:

  • the EarthGeometry can represent an Earth topography using data from one or more Digital Elevation Models (DEMs).
  • The InfiniteGeometry represents a volume of infinite extension filled with a single medium.
  • The PolyhedronGeometry allows to represent a collection of imbricated convex polyhedrons.

Geometries can be nested using the Geometry.insert method following the same semantic than the table.insert function. A nested (daughter) geometry has precedence over its mother on the sub-space delimited by its volume. An arbitrary number of daughters can be nested but they must not overlap with each other nor out of the mother volume. The Geometry.remove method allows to withdraw a daughter geometry.


-- Initialise the world geometry as an infinite volume filled with air
local world = pumas.InfiniteGeometry('Air')

-- Insert an Earth filled with water into the world geometry
world:insert(pumas.EarthGeometry{medium = 'Water', data = 0})

See also

EarthGeometry, InfiniteGeometry, PolyhedronGeometry.