
A metatype for describing a layer of an Earth geometry.


Name Type Description
medium Medium Filling medium of the layer.
data TopographyDataset Top boundary of the layer.


The layer structure can not be modified after creation. Its properties can be modified however, e.g. the medium density of a layer or its topography offset.


The TopographyLayer constructor takes two arguments, a constituting medium and a topography data as illustrated in the synopsis below. The topography data can be specified by a TopographyData(set) or by one of its argument.


pumas.TopographyLayer(medium, data)

pumas.TopographyLayer{medium=, data=}


Name Type Description
medium Medium or string Filling medium of the layer. If a string is provided it must reference a TabulatedMaterial. Then a UniformMedium is implicitly created and filled with the corresponding material.
data number, string, table, TopographyData or TopographyDataset Topography data describing the top boundary of the layer.

See also

EarthGeometry, InfiniteGeometry, PolyhedronGeometry.