
Generic propagation medium for simulations.


The propagation medium of a simulation is described by a TabulatedMaterial dressed with two local properties: its bulk density and / or a local magnetic field. There are two types of propagation media:

  • a GradientMedium whose bulk density varies as a unidimensionnal gradient.
  • A UniformMedium whose bulk density is uniform over the whole propagation medium.

The boundaries of a propagation medium are defined by a Geometry object. In addition there are two special media instances:

  • the transparent_medium represents the absence of proper filling medium in a geometry. Such transparent geometries behave as containers for other (daughter) geometries (volumes).
  • The nil medium represents the absence of propagation medium at all. It indicates the end of the simulation geometry.


-- Create a rocky uniform propagation medium with default properties
local rock = pumas.UniformMedium('StandardRock')

-- Create an atmosphere like propagation medium with a density gradient
local atmosphere = pumas.GradientMedium('Air', {lambda = -1E+04})

See also

GradientMedium, transparent_medium, UniformMedium.