
A metatype for representing a constructive geometry using polyhedrons.




The geometry is locked once it has been instanciated. However media properties can still be modified, e.g. their density.


A PolyhedronGeometry is a hierarchy of convex polyhedrons. The constructor takes a top (mother) polyhedron as first argument and an optional reference frame. If no reference frame is provided then the polyhedrons coordinates are assumed to be defined in the simulation frame.


It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the polyhedrons are indeed convex.


pumas.PolyhedronGeometry(polyhedron, (frame))


Name Type Description
polyhedron table Top (mother) polyhedron as described below.
(frame) UnitaryTransformation Reference frame for polyhedrons. If nil polyhedrons are assumed to be defined in the simulation frame.

A convex polyhedron is defined by a filling Medium and by a list of faces delimiting its inner volume. Each face is specified by a point lying on the face and by a unit normal vector, outward going. In addition the volume can contain an arbitrary number of daughter polyhedrons. The data of a polyhedron are provided as a Lua table with the following synopsis:

polyhedron = {medium, {x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, ...}, {(daughter), ...}}

where the various elements are listed in the table below.

Name Type Description
medium Medium or string Filling medium of the polyhedron. If a string is provided it must reference a TabulatedMaterial. Then a UniformMedium is implicitly created and filled with the corresponding material.
x number Cartesian x (first) coordinate of a point on the face, in m.
y number Cartesian y (second) coordinate of the same point on the face, in m.
z number Cartesian z (third) coordinate of the same point on the face, in m.
nx number Cartesian x (first) coordinate of the normal to the face, outward going.
ny number Cartesian y (second) coordinate of the normal to the face, outward going.
nz number Cartesian z (third) coordinate of the normal to the face, outward going.
(daughter) table A daughter polyhedron contained inside and following the same semantic.


The sequence x, y, z, nx, ny and nz has to be repeated for each face.


The daughter polyhedrons must not overlap and must all be contained in the mother volume. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that there is no overlap.

See also

InfiniteGeometry, PolyhedronGeometry, TopographyLayer.


Export the polyhedrons to a file. This method requires an output filename to be provided as first argument. Extra keyword options can be specified for the export in a second table argument, e.g. colorization (see below).


If not explicitly specified the file format for the export is inferred from the extension of the output filename.


PolyhedronGeometry:export(path, {(color)=, (format)=})


Name Type Description
path string Output file for the export.
(color) table or function Color of the exported polyhedrons.
(format) string Format of the exported data. Currently only 'ply' is supported.

If the color option is provided as a table then it must be formated as {red, green, blue} with color values ranging from 0 to 255. The color table can be indexed by number or by color names ({red=, green=, blue=}). Alternatively one can also provide a painter callback function with the following synopsis: color(medium) where medium is a constitutive Medium of the PolyhedronGeometry. This function must return three numbers in the range 0 to 255 indicating the the color code to apply to the corresponding medium.



See also

insert, remove.


Insert a daughter geometry into the PolyhedronGeometry. This method behaves as the table.insert Lua function. If no index is specified the daughter geometry is appended as the last element.



PolyhedronGeometry:insert(index, daughter)


Name Type Description
index number Table index of the inserted geometry.
daughter Geometry Daughter geometry to insert.



See also

export, remove.


Remove a daughter geometry from the PolyhedronGeometry given its index. If no index is provided the last daughter geometry is removed. This method behaves as the table.remove Lua function.




Name Type Description
(index) number Table index of the daughter geometry to remove.


Type Description
Geometry The removed geometry.

See also

export, insert.